I started to plan restoration,

First stage - dismantling  the jeep

After the body was removed, chassis and the engine with drive train saw light of the day.


Much of the parts did not belong to the jeep (USSR origin), and many (read all) bolts where metric. 


after the teardown process, I started  with the repairs (engine, transmission and axels).

all mechanical parts were about 70% warn out.


Then I started to work on chassis. Not a problem generally as it was only slightly bent (tree hit and run). 

Firs I had to bring it to alignment according mfg. spec.

Next came sand blasting to remove old paint residue and silvery clean metal showed up.

Now it is ready for a primer and finally US Army olive-drape paint (WOW!)


it all started to look as jeep once again (Just 50 years or so).